Fantasy Writing for Beginners

A 10- lesson course you can do any time, any place, at your own speed!

All for an amazing introductory price of £39.99 (or $49.99)

Introduction to the course

What you’ll get

  • Access our exclusive new course. I've designed Fantasy Writing for Beginners to inspire, instruct, and engage. You'll gather each lesson/arrow and by the end will have a quiver of ten - enough to get you started on your first fantasy novel or screenplay.

  • Meet new people in the fellowship of writers. Your fellow students are as motivated as you are to master what we're exploring here in Fantasy Writing for Beginners. You can meet them and other writers from our courses in our Project Northmoor Creatives Home. Do have a look at what is going on under the tabs 'Feed', 'Chat' etc.

  • See your writing take off. As you dive into the course content and meet the community here in Fantasy Writing for Beginners, you're on a path of mastery. While it's not necessarily easy, the achievements will be so satisfying.

Inspiring Adventure Creative Learning

Inspiring Adventure Creative Learning

What does it cover?

The course covers all the basics you need to get going on your writing quest. The ten lessons take your through:

  1. Getting started

  2. Mapping your terrain

  3. Finding a hero

  4. Gathering allies

  5. Learning the magic

  6. Choosing your path

  7. Meeting monsters

  8. Battling to the end

  9. Choosing your tools

  10. New destinations

    Under each of these sections are all the usual considerations of every writer - plotting, character development, pacing, editing etc. - but always with a fun fantasy twist.

    Each section contains a video introduction, downloadable worksheets and loads of advice and exercises.

Ready to start the adventure?